Soccer is one of the world’s most widely played and watched sports. From the Summer Olympic Games to the FIFA World Cup, citizens of every corner of the world gather to cheer for …
Reginold Royston published in The Black Scholar and Journal of African Cultural Studies
In his new article, From the Grammys to Abgobgloshie: African Viral Dance’s Troubled Circuits, Prof. Royston draws on 10 years’ worth of technology and media analysis of the Afrobeats dance genre and his on-going work in …
Professors Marissa Moorman and Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué receive Vilas Associates Research Awards
Learn more about the awards >
Katrina Daly Thompson and Mwita Muniko coauthor “Performativity in Africa” in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology
Katrina Daly Thompson and Mwita Muniko coauthored a chapter, “Performativity in Africa,” in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology, which just came out online. A summary of their chapter is below: Judith Butler’s theory …
Katrina Daly Thompson on their book, Muslims on the Margins ⎻ Interview with CaMP Anthropology
The following interview was conducted by Ben Ale-Ebrahim and was originally published on CaMP Anthropology’s website. Ben Ale-Ebrahim: Muslims on the Margins is an ethnography of “nonconformist” Muslims living primarily in the United States and …
Matthew Brown selected as 2023 winner of African Literature Association’s First Book Award
Associate Professor Matthew Brown was recently selected as the 2023 winner of the African Literature Association’s First Book Award. The award recognizes his book Indirect Subjects: Nollywood’s Local Address, which the ALA committee found …
Reginold Royston produces seminar at Ghana Studies Association conference
Reginold Royston of the UW-Madison Department of African Cultural Studies and his colleague, Seyram Avle of the University of Massachusetts Department of Communication, produced a seminar at the Ghana Studies conference this past summer. The …
Katrina Daly Thompson’s ‘Muslims on the Margins’ to be released in April
Katrina Daly Thompson’s Muslims on the Margins: Creating Queer Religious Community in North America offers vivid stories of nonconformist Muslim communities. The turn of the twenty-first century ushered in a wave of progressive Muslims, whose …
Matthew Brown Featured Speaker for ALA
The African Literature Association is hosting Matthew Brown who will discuss his book, Indirect Subjects: Nollywood’s Local Address (Duke 2021). Time: Saturday, January 22, 2022 at 11:00 AM EST; London, 4:00 PM; Lagos, 5:00PM; Johannesburg, …
Katrina Thompson Awarded Summer Stipend by NEH
Dr. Katrina Thompson has earned a Summer Stipend through the National Endowment for the Humanities. The stipend provides financial support for full-time work by a scholar on a humanities project for a period of …