ACS film festival a success

On Friday 13 April, ACS students and faculty gather to eat popcorn and watch eleven short films made by students in our language courses (Arabic, Swahili, Wolof, and Yoruba. The films were judged by a jury consisting of ACS professors Katrina Daly Thompson, Matt Brown, and Damon Sajnani, and ACS alum Amadou Fofana, himself a professor and filmmaker.

The winning film was “Maisha ya Miguu” (The Life of Feet) by Kathryn Mara, a student in David Lukhachi’s fourth semester Swahili course.

Three films tied for second place: “An Algerian Love Story,” made by students in Tarek Ziadna’s Colloquial Algerian Arabic course; “Jerry Springer Yoruba Edition” by students in Second and Fourth Semester Yoruba courses, taught by Segun Soetan and Yinka Arawomo; and “The Million Dollar Stoke of Luck” by Mariam Nashaat’s Second Semester Arabic class. 

Other films are included on our language-specific Student Portfolios page.