Applications from UW-Madison graduate students invited for the Ebrahim Hussein Fellowship for Research in African Literature

University of Wisconsin-Madison
College of Letters and Science
Ebrahim Hussein Fellowship for Research in African Literature
Call for Applications
The Ebrahim Hussein Endowment for research in African literature was established in the College of Letters and Science in 2003 thanks to the generosity of Robert M. Philipson, alumnus of the College of Letters and Science (Ph.D.1989). The College will award $7500 each year to one or more full-time graduate students in L&S to carry out research on African literature in Africa and/or archives outside of the United States.  The research must lead to a Ph.D. dissertation, an M.A. thesis, or a publishable-quality paper. Doctoral students may receive up to $7500 each; M.A. level students may receive up to $3,750 each.
The application must include the following materials:
1.  An application letter, describing the need for funding, the proposed research, and its role in the student’s career. (1-2 pages.)
2.  The student’s academic transcript.
3. A 5-page research proposal.
4. Two letters of recommendation, discussing the overall excellence of the student’s work, the nature of the student’s research, and the contribution that the work will make both to the student’s major discipline and to the humanities generally.
5. Description of other funding.
Three finalists from the application process will be interviewed by the fund committee for the final determination of the award.
For awards to be distributed in 2017, applications are due by 30 November 2016. They should be sent electronically to:
Professor Katrina Daly Thompson, Chair of Admissions & Fellowships
Department of African Cultural Studies
Selection Criteria
– Excellence of research proposal. Proposals should include a research timeline, description of
contacts overseas, if any, and a budget. Proposals giving attention to one or more African languages will receive priority.
– Demonstrated commitment to African literature.
– General academic record.
– Letters of recommendation.