Nevine El Nossery
Credentials: UW-Madison
Position title: Professor; French & Italian
Phone: (608) 262-7940
660 Van Hise Hall

Nevine El Nossery is a Professor in the departments of French and Italian and African Cultural Studies.
Francophone Studies (North Africa and France) ; Postcolonial studies ; women’s writing; intersection of art and politics; popular culture, and Middle-Eastern literature and culture.
- Arab Women’s Revolutionary Art: Between Singularities and Multitudes, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
- Témoignages fictionnels au féminin. Une réécriture des blancs de la guerre civile algérienne. Amsterdam & New York, Rodopi, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
Edited Books
- Egypt in Focus: Creativity in Adversarial Contexts (guest editor for a special issue in the Journal of the African Literature Association (JALA), 2021.
- The Unspeakable: Representations of Trauma in Francophone Literature and Art, Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2013.
- Frictions et devenirs dans les écritures migrantes au féminin. Enracinements et renégociations. Sarrebruck, Éditions Universitaires Européennes, 2011.
Selected Book Chapters and Articles
- “The Art of Dismantling Taboos in Zainab Fasiki’s Artistic Activism,” Middle East Women Studies 19.2, 2023.
- “Poésie-danger or the Pleasure of Contestation in Assia Djebar’s Far from Madina” Australian Journal of French Studies, 2023.
- “Mémoires au soleil d’Azouz Begag ou le chez-soi rapatrié au Bled de Lyon” Nouvelles Études Francophones 37.1, 2022.
- “Le démantèlement des frontières du ‘chez-soi’ chez Fatima Mernissi et Malika Mokkedem” French Studies in Southern Africa 51.2, 2021.
- “La folie et la mort de Ken Bugul ou l’écriture du débordement” L’Érudit franco-espagnol 14, 2021.
- “Fissures of Trespass: Women as Agents of Transgression amid National Disenchantment.” In State and Culture in Postcolonial Africa. Enchantings, edited by Tejumola Olaniyan, 2017.
- “Women, Art, and Revolution in the Streets of Egypt.” In Women Rights in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring, edited by Fatima Sadiqi, 2016.
- “Texte et photographie ou le devenir mémoriel dans Un amour de tn : Carnet photographique d’un retour au pays natal après la révolution de Dora Latiri,” Women in French, 24, 2016.
- “The Fictionalization of History in Maïssa Bey’s Entendez-vous dans les montagnes…” Journal of North African Studies 21.2, 2016.
- “Autoportrait en vert de Marie NDiaye ou le speculum de l’Autre”, French Review 88.3, 2015.
- “L’esthétique du fragment dans l’œuvre photo-textuelle de Leïla Sebbar” Nouvelles Etudes Francophones 29.1, 2015.
- Translation into Arabic of Nancy Huston’s essay, Nord perdu (Losing the North). Cairo: Sharqueyat, 2005.
Creative Work
- Documentary “She was at Tahrir Square” (2012, 57 minutes). Reflections on the Egyptian Revolution and interviews with nine Egyptian women on their different political affiliations. The documentary was shown in several universities and community venues.
- Vilas Associates Research Fellowship Award “Women, Art, and Revolution” (2019-21)
- UW Fall 2017 Honored Instructor Award
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute “Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia: Guiding Themes in Literature, Cinema and Other Arts since Independence” (2014)
- European Studies Alliance course development grant (2012)
- Course development grant, International Association for Quebec Studies (2011)
- European Studies Alliance course development grant, UW-Madison (2011)
- Resident Fellowship at the Institute for Research in the Humanities, UW-Madison (2010)
- Course development grant, Middle East Studies Program, UW-Madison (2009)