From Pre-Production to Post-Production: Making the African Subject in Nigerian Animation Studios ⎻ Michael Oshindoro

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1418 Van Hise Hall
@ 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm

From Pre-Production to Post-Production: Making the African Subject in Nigerian Animation Studios

By Michael Oshindoro

This presentation takes the audience to Lagos, Nigeria. We will make two stops, first at 32ad Animation Studios, and then at Radioxity Media. Top of our priority is to observe the creative pipeline through which animators make tangible objects and virtual assets into sentient figures impacted by and capable of responding to political, economic, and cultural forces on screen. We will experience 32ad and Radioxity as unique creative technical workshops where the animator becomes one with their invented characters both in the creative process and the social conditions depicted in animated films. The presentation will reflect on the ramifications of artists’ choices (from preproduction to postproduction) for a deeper understanding of the contemporary African subject. This presentation is part of an ongoing study that examines the development of the art and industry of animation in Africa.