Departmental Grade Appeal Process

A student with concerns about a grade should first discuss their concerns with the instructor who assigned the grade. Appeal of final grades must be initiated within the semester/term immediately following the term in which the course is taken.  

A student who is not satisfied with the results of an appeal to the instructor, should consult with the instructor’s supervisor (the Language Program Director in the case of language courses, or the professor of the course in the case of other TA-taught courses, or the Chair of the Department for faculty-taught courses). While an appeal may be either written or oral, we recommend that students focus the complaint and the issues by putting the appeal in writing.

If the issue is not resolved by the instructor’s supervisor, the student should bring their appeal to the Department Chair.

The department chair will request relevant information from the instructor in response to the complaint, including grading criteria. If the chair determines that the grade should be changed, that decision will be determining.

In the rare case when the dispute cannot be settled in the department, the Associate Dean for that Humanities determines the final outcome.