Olusegun Soetan Defends Dissertation

Join the Department of African Cultural Studies as we recognize and congratulate Olusegun Soetan for successfully defending his dissertation, titled “Canonizing Trash: A Study of Three Nollywood Directors.” With support of a Mellon Wisconsin Summer …

Ainehi Edoro Joins ACS Faculty

We’re excited to announce that Professor Ainehi Edoro will be joining our faculty in Fall 2018. Edoro is the founder and Editor of Brittle Paper, a leading online platform dedicated to African writing and literary …

Wolof Student Awarded Boren Scholarship

Second year undergraudate student Lauren Sorensen has been awarded a Boren Scholarship to study Wolof in Senegal. Boren Scholarships (for undergraduate students) and Fellowships (for graduate students) provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. students to …