Learn more about Associate Professor Samuel England's new book and his research interests! Jadaliyya was founded by academic experts on the Mideast with the goal of reaching audiences beyond the academy. It was founded and is …
Tarek Ziadna Successfully Defends Dissertation; Earns Ph.D.
Join the Department of African Cultural Studies as we recognize and congratulate Tarek Ziadna for successfully defending his dissertation, titled “French Loanwords in Algerian Arabic: Phonetic/Phonological, Morphological, and Socio-Cultural Analyses.” Tarek's minor was Second Language Acquisition and …
Lauren Sorenson Earns Boren Scholarship to Study Wolof
Read the full article courtesy of “Africa in Our Lives”
Olusegun Soetan Defends Dissertation
Join the Department of African Cultural Studies as we recognize and congratulate Olusegun Soetan for successfully defending his dissertation, titled “Canonizing Trash: A Study of Three Nollywood Directors.” With support of a Mellon Wisconsin Summer …
Ainehi Edoro Joins ACS Faculty
We’re excited to announce that Professor Ainehi Edoro will be joining our faculty in Fall 2018. Edoro is the founder and Editor of Brittle Paper, a leading online platform dedicated to African writing and literary …
Katrina Daly Thompson Earns IRH Summer Fellowship
Professor Katrina Daly Thompson has been selected to receive the Summer Humanities Research Fellowship, made available through the Institute for Research in the Humanities (IRH). This workshop supports tenured humanities faculty in pursuing “the next …
Olusegun Soetan Earns African Studies Summer Fieldwork Award
PhD candidate Olusegun Soetan has received and accepted a $3000 African Studies Summer Fieldwork Award for his work in Nigeria this summer. This award is made possible through the African Studies Program. Congratulations!
Salah Algabli Earns Honored Instructor for Second Time
M.A. candidate Salah Algabli has been recognized as a Spring 2018 University Housing Honored Instructor. Algabli regularly teaches a section of beginning Arabic. Each semester, University Housing residents have the opportunity to recognize outstanding classroom …
Wolof Student Awarded Boren Scholarship
Second year undergraudate student Lauren Sorensen has been awarded a Boren Scholarship to study Wolof in Senegal. Boren Scholarships (for undergraduate students) and Fellowships (for graduate students) provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. students to …
ACS film festival a success
On Friday 13 April, ACS students and faculty gather to eat popcorn and watch eleven short films made by students in our language courses (Arabic, Swahili, Wolof, and Yoruba. The films were judged by a …