Anne Waliaula


Ph.D. Social Studies and Global Education, The Ohio State University
M.A. Social Studies & Global Education, The Ohio State University
M.A. African American & African Studies, The Ohio State University
B.Ed. Literature & Linguistics, University of Nairobi

Office: 201 Ingraham Hall
Phone: (608) 265-9151

Anne Jebet Waliaula teaches Kiswahili at the Department of African Languages and Literatures at UW-Madison and currently serves as the Outreach Coordinator for the African Studies Program at University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her research interests range across the field of Education in Africa and in the US, Social Studies, Global Education and African Studies. Her published work examines a broad spectrum of issues including the analysis of African literary works, the teaching of controversial issues in K-12 schools and the teaching about Africa in the US. She currently serves as a Foreign Language evaluator, African Studies Association Outreach Council member and the Africana, Children’s Book Award (CABA) member.

Selected Publications:
“Narrating HIV/AIDS as a Global Pandemic: An Analysis of a Contemporary Kenyan Novel” Language in African performing and Visual Arts, New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 2012
“Africa in the social studies classrooms: Using literary texts, film and online resources” Ohio Social Studies Review (OSSR) 49 (2), pp. 43-53, 2012
“Web resources for teaching about human rights” Social Education, 76(5), pp. 266-268.